External users were studied based on two main criteria, level of formality and of comercial exchange. 
4 extreme users were identified, these represent the most challenging  customers for which we have to design, by approaching their needs the spectrum between them is supposed to be taken into account. ​​​​​​​
Criteria definition:
Two personas were created for each of these extreme user groups, in order to characterize and understand their interactions with the multiple canals GAM offers. 
Workshops and interviews were done with external and internal users of GAM, in order to identify their perception of how the website could contribute to the center and it´s overall strategy. 
After an extensive research period, a general and conceptual formulation was created for the new GAM.cl
User research helped us identify the identity paradoxes that the site was creating, and the challenges we had to face in order to fix them, in order to propose a clear aim.
Identified paradoxes
Identified paradoxes
Main challenges
Main challenges
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