When asked to experiment by creating a new game, why make another board game?
Our challenge was to create a product that WAS a game, using the minimum resources to create something fun.​​​​​​​
Sr. Twob is the main character of the game, he has traveled around the world and keeps enjoying the smell of adventure as he remains as  agile as any of his grandchildren. With all his stories, he has lived he wanders between reality and fantasy, like a Quijote of the XXth century.
In the game, its participants have to answer questions regarding to Sr.Twobs adventures, which are evidenced through his clothing and are coherent with his profile. Incorrect answers are punished by inflating a balloon, wich is Sr. Towb´s head, the game ends when it explodes!
Group Work
Also part of this project: Josefina Ossul, Antonia Bozo & María Jesús Lafuente
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